Tilapia fillets seasoned with Salt, Pepper, and a dash of Cayenne; quickly browned, then bathed in Coconut Cream and baked to flaky perfection.
Coconut Cream Tilapia
©Tangled with Taste by TangledwithTaste.com
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This recipe was written in January of 2012, but has been updated in June 2019 for easy finding because it’s such a delicious recipe and y’all need to try it out!
Low Calorie Fish Recipe
Once upon a time when I was married my husband got it into his head that he wanted to lose weight and that the best way to do that was to go on a diet where he ate a very minimal amount of carbs and less than 1000 calories per day. It became my job to figure out the best way to feed him on this low calorie diet.
Goodness sakes y’all! Do you know how hard it is to make food that makes a person feel full, however is also low calorie and low to no carbs? Very hard.
What does Tilapia taste like
I learned quickly that Fish is usually fairly low calorie. I was hesitant to cook with seafood though because I’m not a huge fan of the fishy taste of Fish.
Enter, Tilapia.
If you are not a fish eater because you don’t like the fishy fish taste, then Tilapia is the fish for you. It is a white meat fish with little flavor of it’s own. It works similarly to the way Tofu does in picking up the flavors of what it’s cooked with.
How to cook Tilapia
I have come to love cooking Tilapia! And you will too once you try this delicious oh so simple recipe. It’s as easy as 1-2-3.
- Generously Season your Tilapia.
- Then, brown it quickly on a high heat via stove-top.
- Then, smother with Coconut Cream and transfer it to the Oven.
- Eeeps! I said It was as easy as 1-2-3. Sorry y’all, guess I lied; however you really want number 4!
Finally, Top your hot fish with cold crunchy fruit.
And there you have it! Wasn’t that simple?!
A couple quick thoughts for cooking this Tilapia
- Use a pan that can be transferred straight from stovetop to oven. Like this one.
- In my recipe I used Coconut Cream because I really like things creamy. HOWEVER, you can totally use coconut milk and it really does taste just as good! Plus then it is Whole 30 and Paleo friendly!
Recipe for Tilapia:
- 4-6 Tilapia Fillets
- 1-2 TBS Ghee (Clarified Butter)/ or Butter/ or Olive Oil
- Salt and Pepper
- Dash of Cayenne per Fillet
- 1 can Coconut Cream
- Pineapple and Mango, peeled and chunked, then refrigerated
- Preheat your oven to 400° F
- In an oven proof pan, on your stovetop, heat up olive oil or Ghee over high heat.
- Season your tilapia fillet's generously with salt and pepper.
- Then add one dash of Cayenne Pepper to each fillet.
- In the hot oil/ghee brown the Tilapia on each side for 90 seconds.
- Pour can of Coconut Cream over the tilapia and stick the whole pan in the oven.
- Bake for 10 minutes.
- Top the hot tilapia with cold chunks of diced mango and pineapple and serve immediately.
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