Incredibly easy and delicious recipe for semi-homemade blueberry muffins with delightful cream cheese centers and a perfect streusel top!
Streusel Topped Cream Cheese Blueberry Muffins
©Tangled with Taste by
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This post was originally posted early 2019, but is being reposted for easy finding.
Using a box mix we change the directions and create these amazing blueberry muffins!
They are moist with a crisp streusel topping and a super surprise of cream cheese in the center. Every bite is amazing! You might as well double the recipe because I can promise you wont want to share after the first nibble!
Easy Blueberry Muffins
If you have been following my blog for awhile, then you are probably aware that at least one day a week I try to do “Cooking School” with my kids.
We started by learning to read directions and follow them.
That took weeks. My kids are like my husband: they think they know everything and don’t want to look at the directions until something goes wrong. Hahaha!
I’m trying to make them be like me: READ the directions and then don’t follow them anyway. Ha!
Easy recipes for kids
So once my kids learned to read and follow the directions on box mixes, and proved that by making millions of cupcakes, brownies, and muffins; then it was time to teach them the trick of semi-homemade.
As you may have seen in my Cookie Crumble Marshmallow Brownies recipe, I am totally cool with using a box mix. However, I firmly believe in making it better than the box.
How to make box mix taste homemade
I taught them the trick of using buttermilk when it calls for water in muffins and cake mixes. Then there is the obvious: always use melted butter when it calls for oil. And finally; add an extra egg yolk for extra richness or egg white for extra fluffiness.
I also told them that you can take any recipe from simple to gourmet by adding a little fresh ingredients or extra ingredients such as lemon zest, orange zest, fresh fruit, caramel, or cream cheese.
Cream Cheese Muffins Recipe
Once we had tried multiple box mixes with me telling them what to do and what to change; I then let them have free reign.
Not gonna lie: Some of the creations have not been edible.
However, one: One of their creations was beyond good and straight to genius!!! Blueberry Cream Cheese Muffins.
You guys these were so good that we ate the whole batch, then immediately made a second batch and ate that too!
Then I had the genius idea to add streusel (because you know from my Streusel Topped Blackberry Cobbler recipe that I think streusel helps the world go round!).
Dear Reader, You’re welcome. XOXOXOX
Betty Crocker Blueberry Muffins
Reader let me just tell you something. I sometimes do sponsored posts. I support every company I have done a sponsored post for and refuse sponsored post offers for products I don’t believe in. All that being said, today I am promoting a product I am not even being sponsored for.
Because I have tried a half dozen different Blueberry Muffin mixes and none have tasted half so good as theBetty Crocker Blueberry muffin mix. I have made homemade blueberry muffins a dozen times and even then I don’t think they are all that much better than this box mix.
The saved time and energy with this great taste is enough for me to say “Hey Reader! You’re gonna love it!”
Enough talk! Go cook some blueberry muffins with cream cheese and streusel!
- 1 box Betty Crocker Wild Blueberry Muffin mix
- 3/4 cup Buttermilk
- 1/4 cup Vegetable Oil
- 2 Eggs
- 3-4 Tablespoons Cream Cheese
- 2 TBS melted butter
- 1/3 c flour
- 1/3 c white sugar
- 2 pinches of salt
- Combine all streusel ingredients and mix together until just barely mixed and forming large balls of dough-like clumps/ chunks. you can pinch exra large chunks together by hand.
- Preheat oven to 425 F degrees.
- Drain Bluberries, rinse, and drain again. Set aside.
- Combine dry mix, buttermilk, oil and eggs; mix well.
- Stir in the blueberries softly so as not to crush them.
- Fill each muffin cup 1/3 of the way full wiht muffin batter.
- Add a dollop of Cream Cheese (a little less than a teaspoons worth) to the center of each of these batter filled cups.
- Cover cream cheese batter with another bit of batter until each muffin cup is 2/3 full.
- Sprinkle with Streusel.
- Bake at 425 for 15-20 minutes or until set and golden brown on top.